A beautiful hand made french bound mount that usually enhances some of the finest artwork.
As the name suggests, this style of mounting originally came from France.
It has been used inceasingly over recent years,
as the style and fashions of modern decor demand a more minimalist look.
A French bound mount can work equally well on a classic piece of work as well as the most modern contemporary painting.
interior at Chichester
acquiescent angels
original circular pool
wishing well
the green parrot, painting
original model resting
original, gossip after market
original, pont du gard
watercolour, mull
france, mill, barbaste
compiegne, watercolour
Russell Flint, original, pencil, nude
Brantome, river Dronne
gypsy in Almeria
porchester castle
madame du barry
My Father Painting at Brantome, France
bamburgh, sands
dance of a thousand flounces