Little Flower Girl, Senlis

Sir William Russell Flint

P.R.A., P.R.W.S., R.S.W., R.O.I., R.E.

russell flint little flower girl, Senlis

"The Little Flower Girl, Senlis"
Limited edition of 775
Published 1961
Image Size 17.75" X 24.0".
R.A. Exhibition 1959

Senlis, Oise.

Located approx. 10 miles north east of Paris
On exploring Senlis Russell Flint found that there was a beautiful church which once was a house of prayer but on visiting was more often used as a public building for weekly markets. With the intricate work and design of the building, masterfully crafted windows left damaged.

This piece houses an interesting story, after befriending the foreman of the building and being give permission to paint an draw inside on a weekly basis Russell Flint became accustom to the building and practicing his craft. However, on one such evening it seems that no one had thought to fetch the painter before locking up, leaving him trapped inside of a medieval building. On realising his entrapment, he began exploring his surroundings and found a hollow passageway between the walls. With some further exploration it was found that there was a rusted sheet covering a broken piece of wall. After some effort the artist had freed himself from the building.

Years later Russell Flint revisited this chapel and to his surprise found that his escape route had been replaced with masonry.

Recognized worldwide as a master of watercolour painting, Sir William Russell Flint's work enjoys the prominence of some of the finest and most experienced paintings of our time.

You may also be interested to view two of our websites featuring the work of highly regarded wildlife artist, David Shepherd read more
and the signed prints and drawings of Britain's most sought-after artworks by L.S. Lowry read more here. Sir William Russell Flint paintings and signed prints for sale.

Should you wish to explore the area in France that Sir William spent so much of his time; This holiday house in the Dordogne can provide
a beautiful experience for those who enjoy the countryside and wish to visit the many towns and villages of great character.

little terrace
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