Original red chalk drawing
Sir William Russell Flint
P.R.A., P.R.W.S., R.S.W., R.O.I., R.E.

Original red chalk drawing
Image size:- 14.5" x 10.25" ( 26 x 37 cm.)
Overall size with frame and museum glass ..
Sir William Russell Flint
Using simply the medium of red chalk, Russell Flint is able to achieve the most masrvellous results of the finest quality.
Red, black, and white chalk are naturally occurring minerals mined from the earth. Easy to use, they require no special preparation or complicated tools, and are suited to making both preparatory and highly finished drawings.
Soft and compact, these materials can be sawed into narrow sticks or broken into small pieces. Artists often place chalk into holders to keep their hands clean and protect drawings from smudging.
The rural towns and villages that have remained pretty much unchanged since Russell Flint travelled through this part of south west France and produced some stunning paintings,
many of which were published.
Recognized worldwide as a fine watercolour master, Sir William's work enjoys the prominence amongst a collection of the finest and most experienced painters of our time.
Russell Flint Original Watercolour Paintings for sale