Click on titles or image for Large pictures and Details; (Signed prints Published between 1924 and 1969; alphabetical order)


Argument on the ballet

An Awkward Encounter

The Balance

Anne-Marie by the Loire

Campo San Trovaso

signed limited edition print

Casilda's White Petticoat

Signed print

Casual Assembly

Chateau Garden, Languedoc
Signed edition


Conversation Piece
Signed limited

St. Martin d'Ardeche

Dance of a Thousand Flounces

Danza Montana

The Dubious Bernini
Signed print


An Essay in Picturesque
Signed print

Eve with her net

Eve, the girl with bobbed hair
Signed print

Eve and Yasmin

Fair Horizon
signed limited edition print

Festal Preparations, Manosque

The Fountain

Flowers and Lacquer

The Four Sisters, Chazelet

Gitanas at La Galera
Signed print

Gossip after market, Perigord

The Green Parrot
Signed print


Group of Idlers

Halcyon Days

In a Provencal Granary
signed limited edition print

Holiday After Ramadan

In My Studio

The Interlude
Signed print

Isabella of Lucenay

Lavoir, La Bastide

The Hedonists

Low Tide, St, Malo

The Guardian

La Marie Manosque

Market Hall, Cordes

Mirror of the Ballet

Model for Vanity

Little Flower Girl, Senlis

Models for Goddesses

My Father Painting, Brantome

New Model Inspecting
Drawings of her Predecessor

The Nun's Class, La Charite

October morning on the Baise

Northern Waters

The Pendant


Provencal Caprice

Le Quatorze Juillet

A Question of Colour

A Question of Atribution

Reclining Nude I

Reclining Nude II
Signed limited edition print

Retreat from the Sun

Rosa and Marissa


The Silver Frock

The Shower

The Silver Mirror


Secret Retreat

The Springboard

Studies of Cecilia

St. Marks, Venice

The Tale Bearer

Teresa, Yolande and Anne-Marie


Three Groups Viviers

Two models

The Unseen Target

Palace Terrace, Compiegne

Unwelcome Observers

Variations IV

Variations on a Theme

Venetian Festival

Victorian Diversion

La Voulte sur Rhone

White Interior
Chateauneuf sur Loire


The White Porch, Samer

The Whispering Well
Signed limited edition print

The Wood Rick

Cecilia in Piccadilly Circus

Studies of Moira Shearer

A Romantic Composition


Clarissa Fishing

Moira Shearer
Russell Flint is one of the most celebrated British watercolourists of the 20th century. Known for his remarkable technical skill and precision.
President of the Royal Academy, and President of the Royal Watercolour Society for twenty years from 1936.
Knighted in 1947 for his services to art, and the Royal Academy held a solo exhibition in honour of his paintings.
Painting in several countries including France, Italy, Switzerland and Scotland, Russell Flint was captivated by the distinctive and unique character of these lands.
Today his work is exhibited in numerous institutions around the world including the Victoria and Albert Museum, the British Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago.
Over thirty years we have specialized in Russell Flint's paintings and are widely regarded as the world's leading authority
These signed prints were published between 1924 and 1969, each one personally signed by Russell Flint.
The printing process used was of the highest possible standard available at the time, and many limited editions were printed in Austria using a 'state of the art' process, collotype, developed by Max Jaffe.
Russell Flints work has always been highly regarded as amongst the finest watercolour paintings ever produced.
The earlier limited editions tended to be rather small runs of 325 copies, but as demand increased,
The classic Russell Flint pictures of Cecilia Green have perhaps been surpassed in today's market by rural countryside paintings throughout France.
by the 1960s most editions were 850 each one overseen and stamped by The Fine Art Trade Guild, whose blind stamp was taken as a guarantee of authenticity and highest possible quality.
Almost 60 years later many of the Russell Flint prints in these editions are lost, damaged or irretrievably faded,
which has made the few surviving prints that remain in good condition to be very sought after. A collector could sometimes wait years to find a particular Russell Flint print in good condition.
Sir William Russell Flint signed limited edition prints

Winter Sport


By the Ardeche
signed print

Signed print

The Green Slippers
Signed limited edition print
unexpected Spaniard
Signed limited edition prints
Cecilia in Piccadilly
Red background