Sir William Russell Flint
P.R.A., P.R.W.S., R.S.W., R.O.I., R.E.
Limited edition print of 850
Published 1980
Image Size 13.5" x 9.75"
Sir William's diaries reveal that on 23 July 1931 he sold to the Hull Corporation a small picture which had been exhibited in the Royal Academy that year.
As often happened with sales to the public galleries, he also conceded the copyright for them to produce a small unlimited edition print.
Subsequently, this run of 850 limited editions appeared in 1980.
Published by Henry Donn, who owned a gallery in Whitefield near Manchester, and was President of the Fine Art Trade Guild for a number of years.
The subject matter (snow) is incredibly difficult to paint, particularly in watercolour; this painting shows how masterfully Sir William was ableto accomplish this.