Two Models, framed
Sir William Russell Flint
P.R.A., P.R.W.S., R.S.W., R.O.I., R.E.

Two Models
published by The Medici society in 1960.
R.A. Exhibition 1962.
complete with frame.
This print was published as a signed limited edition of 1,000
In nowadays with photo compositions and editing software we can be easily forgiven of forgetting the impressive abilities of and skills that go into pieces
such as 'Two Models' As this beautiful still life water colour holds a secret shared with many other compositions of the time.
Please take a moment to analyse the photo, see if there is anything odd or out of place. Still unable to see it?
You see the Two Models depicted almost seamlessly interacting with each other with light casting in from the window on the left. Reflecting off the pink
reflective silk while absorbed into the heavier darker cloth of the model on the left.
To this day, these two people have never met.
And there lies the true beauty of this piece as although the painting shows much detail and energy audience will miss the true skill of group compositions
of these days.
This came about as a Canadian friend had a watercolour of mine with two girls in it apparently talking to each other. An American acquaintance visited him,
saw the picture, thought the two girls 'just wonderful' came to Europe, called on me and wormed the models' names and addresses out of me. He called on each
and learned to his amazement that neither had the faintest idea who the other was! That was, to him, absurd. Hadn't he seen them talking to each other in my
Furthermore, looking at the large canvas in the background, it depicts the method by which these types of compositions were created. Showing early stages
and faint sketching of 'Danza Montana'. Here you can see the large canvases early stages of the dancer to the right and the woman positioned knelt
bottom left. Although these look to be a very loose reference the composition method and working from life without the need of the models any further is
shown by the two smaller studies pinned to the top of the canvas that are clearly the dress of the dancer to the right.
So here when we delve further into the painting we aren't just seeing 'Two Models' but also being shown how composition pieces used for pieces such as
this very one is created.